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A Swiss pesticide company's plan to bring back the bees
Ara, una nova iniciativa de Syngenta, una agroindústria de Suïssa i el major fabricant del món de productes químics dels cultius, té com a objectiu augmentar el nombre d'insectes pol·linitzadors, especialment abelles, en les granges comercials dels EUA. El projecte, anomenat Operació pol·linitzadors, vol fer crèixer flors i plantes variades en el que es coneix com a "terra marginal", de les grans parcel·les dels cultius comercials. Aquestes àrees venen a representar entre una i dues hectàrees per parcel·la.
La iniciativa per atraure els insectes pol·linitzadors es va originar al Regne Unit fa més d'una dècada. Des de llavors s'ha expandit a més de 16 països d'Europa, amb més de 3.000 agricultors...
article original....
Scientists have been baffled by the mass die-off of honeybees that has destroyed around 10m beehives since 2007. The causes of this so-called “Colony Collapse Disorder” are still unknown, although pesticides, fungicides, stress, poor nutrition and parasites are some of the possible causes being discussed. The collapse has sometimes taken on an almost sci-fi quality. For example, honeybees mysteriously disappear from their hives. Stranger still, their bodies are seldom found.
La iniciativa per atraure els insectes pol·linitzadors es va originar al Regne Unit fa més d'una dècada. Des de llavors s'ha expandit a més de 16 països d'Europa, amb més de 3.000 agricultors...
article original....
Scientists have been baffled by the mass die-off of honeybees that has destroyed around 10m beehives since 2007. The causes of this so-called “Colony Collapse Disorder” are still unknown, although pesticides, fungicides, stress, poor nutrition and parasites are some of the possible causes being discussed. The collapse has sometimes taken on an almost sci-fi quality. For example, honeybees mysteriously disappear from their hives. Stranger still, their bodies are seldom found.
The crisis among these creatures has scientists worried. Bees are a
crucial part of the crop cycle, the pollination of several species of
flowers and, of course, a vital source of breakfast honey. Now, a new
initiative from Syngenta, a Swiss agribusiness and the world’s largest
manufacturer of crop chemicals, aims to boost the number of pollinating
insects, especially bees, on commercial farms in the US. The project,
called Operation Pollinator, will grow flowers and plants on what’s
known as “marginal ground”, the thin strips and edges that border large
plots of commercial farmland. These areas usually total about one or two
acres per plot.
“We focus on ground that might not be as productive as other areas on
the farm,” says Caydee Savinelli, entomologist and Pollinator
Stewardship lead for the project. Savinelli explains that the plan is to
let nature take its own course, filling the plots with wildflowers.
Ultimately, this results in areas that resemble undeveloped meadows.
The initiative to attract pollinating insects originated in the UK
over a decade ago. It has since expanded to more than 16 countries in
Europe, with more than 3,000 farmers and other agriculturalists are
participating in it today.
Bringing bees to the US
Operation Pollinator began its research phase in the US in 2010.
Syngenta, working with the University of California at Davis, Michigan
State and the University of Florida, is currently assessing the scope of
the project. They still need to determine which flowers are best suited
to attract native insects, what the ideal seed mixtures are, how much
the program will cost and what the maintenance schedule should be.
“The research and data collection is fairly intense,” says Savinelli,
noting that the program is attempting to match the native insects to
their ideal food sources. “We’re looking at which insects are there at
which time of the year and which flowers attract them.”
Operation Pollinator already has been implemented on the marginal
ground of more than 50 golf courses across 20 states. Now, Syngenta is
turning its attention to commercial farms. It will launch five plots
this year in northwest Mississippi, in partnership with the Delta
Farmers Advocating Resource Management (Delta FARM), an association that
aims to conserve and restore the environment.
A solution to multiple problems
It isn’t hard to see why these farms and golf courses are willing to
partner with Operation Pollinator. In addition to its work with insect
populations and plant pollination, the program may also help combat
other worrisome agricultural trends, including erosion and water
Generally, erosion occurs when farmers break up and turn the soil on a
field. This process, known in the industry as “tillage”, can help with
weed control and is necessary for growing crops. Unfortunately, it can
also weaken the soil, causing it to wash away during heavy rains.
Plants grown on the perimeter of a field – such as the artificial meadows
that Operation Pollinator is creating – can help to prevent this
erosion, and may also improve water quality. The water used on the crops
may be tainted with pesticides and fungicides, and these border plants
can help prevent the water from running off the land into nearby drains
and streams.
“We’re shooting for the triple win – improve biodiversity, mitigate
soil erosion and improve water quality,” says Jeff Peters, Syngenta’s
digital farming lead.
Ultimately, the farmers will take over the individual plots. The goal
in all these initiatives is to train the farmers so that they can
maintain the pollinating meadows on their own. Syngenta says the program
is a good way to build community, by attracting anyone with an interest
or expertise in insects or gardening, including master gardeners and
students from local schools.
“You get tired of planting grass and now they can plant flowers,”
Savinelli said. “[Golf club] members love it because they see from when
they first planted to when it starts flowering.”
Difficulties – and benefits
There are, of course, challenges, including the availability of seed,
the knowledge of local producers – which will depend on their
engagement with the project – and cost.
Experts tend to agree that pollinator projects like Syngenta’s can be
one of the most effective ways to re-populate declining bee numbers.
“The bottom line is that as far as pollination ecologists know at
present, restoring flowers has stronger positive effects on wild bees
than do other possible interventions,” says Rachael Winfree, associate
professor in the ecology, evolution and natural resources department at
Rutgers University.
Winfree’s own studies have compared wild bee populations in different
habitats and found that so-called “floral restorations” have produced
1.7 times as many bee species and three times as many bee individuals
than nearby semi-natural areas. But she cautions that it’s still unknown
whether the floral strips are simply attracting bees from elsewhere or
generating more on their own.
A mixed history
While Syngenta appears eager to contribute positively to restoring
bee populations, the company has also recently come under fierce
criticism for its role in manufacturing a key pesticide that has been
linked to the bee decline.
According to a Harvard study published in May, pesticides known as
neonicotinoids might lead to “impairment of honey bee neurological
functions, specifically memory, cognition, or behavior”. The chemicals
were given a three-year ban by the European Union in 2013, but last
month Syngenta sought an emergency exemption to use the seed treatment on its UK crop. Earlier this month, the company withdrew its application after failing to get government approval to use the pesticide on 180,000 hectares of crops.
Despite the studies and the on-going ban in Europe, Syngenta claims
neonicotinoids don’t do any lasting harm to crops or bees. “The
scientific evidence clearly shows that bees and other pollinators can
coexist safely with neonicotinoid insecticides, when product labels are
followed,” says Ann Bryan, a Syngenta spokesperson.
Bryan adds that in the US, where the pesticide hasn’t yet been banned,
neonicotinoid products are used on more than 90% of all corn seed
planted and “play a vital role in modern agriculture”. However, a recent report
from the British government cast doubt on bee research that is
sponsored by pesticide producers like Syngenta and called for more
independent studies.
There is no direct link between Operation Pollinator and Syngenta’s
pesticide problems: Operation Pollinator has been in effect for a
decade, while the company’s pesticide problems are a far more recent
development. But, taken as a whole, the two projects demonstrate the
high stakes – and high costs – underlying the relationship between bees
and agriculture.
Font: theguardian.com
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