A la imatge podem observar una secció de bresca de cria segellada que conté aproximadament 100. La porció de cria va ser congelada durant almenys 24 hores, i col · locada novament en el forat que havíem fet amb el ganivet.
Els dos mètodes utilitzats són:
1- Assaig amb cria congelada
2- Congelació amb nitrogen líquid
1. The freeze killed brood assay:
In this assay, a comb
section of sealed brood containing approximately 100 cells on each side
(2 x 2.5 inches) is cut from a frame and frozen for 24 hours at -100 F.
The frozen comb section is inserted into a frame of sealed brood in the
colony being tested (Photo B). Tests have shown that it does not matter
if the frozen section comes from the same colony from which it was
removed or from a different colony. The frame with the freeze-killed
brood insert is placed in the center of the brood nest. Two days (48
hours) later the frame is removed and the number of sealed cells
remaining is recorded. A hygienic colony will have uncapped and removed
over 95% of the frozen brood within 48 hours. A non-hygienic colony will
take over six days to completely remove the frozen brood. The speed
with which a colony removed dead brood is correlated with its ability to
remove diseased and parasitized brood.
2. Liquid nitrogen:
Freezing the brood with liquid
nitrogen is more efficient and less destructive to the combs than
cutting, freezing and replacing comb inserts. Liquid N2 is relatively
inexpensive and easy to obtain; check with your local gas and welding
suppliers, veterinary practice, or livestock artificial inseminating
firm. There are no laws in any state restricting the use of industrial
grade liquid N2 by individuals. It must be kept in an appropriate tank
(e.g., a Dewar tank, which can be purchased through gas and welding
supply houses), and the tank should be securely fastened to the truck
during travel to avoid spillage.
Common sense and several precautions must be used when handling
liquid nitrogen. It has a boiling temperature of -320°F, which means
that it is extremely cold and will kill skin (causing severe frostbite)
on contact. We recommend that users read the Material Safety Data Sheet
on liquid N2 from the supplier.
You will need to construct (or find) a hollow cylinder into which
you will pour the liquid N2 to freeze a circular section of sealed
brood. We have been using a 3-inch diameter PVC pipe. The cylinder must
be at least 4 inches long because the nitrogen will boil on contact with
the brood.
A minimum of 10 oz of liquid N2 is needed to freeze-kill all the
brood (approximately 160 cells) within a 3-inch diameter cylinder. A
smaller amount will not kill all of the brood, leading to erroneous
results. Use a 10-oz or larger polystyrene foam coffee cup for measuring
and pouring. Other materials will shatter on contact with the liquid
Select a frame with at least a 3-inch diameter circle of sealed
brood containing fewer than 30 unsealed cells within the circle. Lay the
frame horizontally across a support (i.e. an empty super). Twist the
cylinder into the sealed brood until it reaches the midrib. Record the
number of unsealed cells inside the cylinder. Pour 1.5 to 2 oz. of the
liquid N2 into the cylinder and wait for it to freeze the edges or
evaporate. Then pour the remainder of the liquid N2 into the cylinder.
Wait to remove the cylinder until it thaws, which may take three to five
minutes (Photo C). If you have additional cylinders, you can start the
next test while you are waiting for previous ones to thaw. We put a
drawing pin (thumbtack) in the top of the frame to mark the frame and
the location of the test on the frame. Some hygienic colonies clean and
repair the comb so quickly that it is hard to locate the test when you
return. Place the frame in the center of the brood nest (Photo D).
Remove the frame containing the frozen brood 48 hours later, and
record the number of sealed cells remaining within the circle. When
testing a colony that has been re-queened, six to eight weeks must
elapse after requeening for the bees in the colony to be daughters of
the new queen.
Important note: Both of these tests should be repeated on the
same colony, and it will be noticed that the results between tests may
vary. For example, a colony may remove 95% of the frozen brood on the
first test, but only 50% on the second. This colony is not hygienic! It
is very important that colonies be considered hygienic only if they
remove >95% of the brood on two consecutive tests. The speed with
which a colony removed dead brood is correlated with its ability to
remove diseased and parasitized brood.
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