25 de desembre 2020



Estudis edafològics certifiquen que els sòls dels camps de conreus intensius estan massa plens de pesticides. Cal recordar que no totes les abelles viuen en ruscos, i que les abelles solitàries, les grans pol·linitzadores d’aquests conreus sovint fan els seus nius en el terra, i per tant serien les grans damnificades d’aquests nivells elevats de productes neurotòxics. Un drama!

Pollinating bees may be exposed to lethal levels of neonics in soil on southern Ontario farms: study

New research suggests ground-nesting bees may be exposed to lethal levels of pervasive insecticides found in soil on farms across southern Ontario.

University of Guelph environmental sciences professor Nigel Raine and PhD student Susan Chan examined the hoary squash bee that feeds on the nectar and pollen of squash, pumpkin, gourds and melon, and is a crucial pollinator for those crops.

They estimated 36 per cent of the bee population studied encountered lethal doses of one major neonicotinoid – clothianidin – in the soil at 18 commercial squash fields in a region stretching from Peterborough, Ont., to the tip of southwestern Ontario.
