25 d’octubre 2020


"I commend this book to not only experienced beekeepers who would like to transition to a more bee-friendly approach, but also beginners who, while having access in some form to instruction about basic beekeeping, do not want to be steered into the conventional, mechanistic apiculture that new generations of beekeepers are increasingly finding unsatisfactory."

David Heaf


Author of The Bee-friendly Beekeeper & Natural Beekeeping with the Warré Hive


Many beekeepers today, faced with an alarming decline in the bee population, are looking for a more sustainable way to care for their hives. Biodynamic methods, which consider the influence of the stars and planets on bee activity and habitats, offer an approach which helps foster happier and healthier bees.


In this fascinating book, biodynamic beekeeping expert Matthias Thun shares advice and knowledge gained from more than 50 years' experience of keeping bees, including:


• Which days are better for inspecting colonies and which days for gathering honey


• The challenges and advantages of breeding queen bees


• How to artificially induce swarming to propagate colonies


• How to use biodynamic ashing techniques to combat varroa mites


• Instructions for making winter feeds according to current biodynamic thinking


Ideal for both experienced beekeepers seeking to convert to biodynamic methods and current biodynamic beekeepers, this readable book offers a unique and personal insight into the theory and practice of biodynamic beekeeping.


Matthias Thun (1948-2020)


The son of biodynamic pioneer Maria Thun, was an international expert on biodynamic beekeeping with over 50 years' experience.




Foreword by David Heaf


The Start of the Bee Year


Caring for Bees According to Cosmic Rhythms


The First Spring Inspection


The Building Frame


The Urge to Swarm


The colony is allowed to swarm


Preventing the swarm but retaining the young queens


Preventing the swarm but swarm cells are not required for breeding queens


Controlling and preventing the swarm urge


The Marburg box


Colony Regeneration and Propagation


Natural increase in colony numbers


Prime swarm at the site of the parent colony


Artificial colony increase


Colony reproduction with bred queens


Various options for colony reproduction


Breeding Queen Bees


Breeding in queenless colonies


Breeding in queen-right colonies


Queen reproduction through deliberate use of the swarming instinct


Honeycomb Construction


Natural comb constructio




The use of natural comb and comb built with foundation


Changing over to natural comb


Building in the honey chamber


The age of foundation Wax








Processing the honey


Types of honey and their uses


Feeding in Winter


Bee Diseases


Brood disease


Adult bee diseases


Diseases that harm both brood and adult bee


Methods of Ash Usage


Potentising the ash


The application of ground (dynamised) ash


Varroa and drones