Explore, create and investigate.
Encouraging children to connect with and discover the world around them.
Bees are a vital part of our planet. What on earth are they all about?
- Explore the different types of bees and how they make honey
- Investigate the best flowers for bees by making a nectar cafe
- Create a bumble bee home and learn how to dance like a bee!
- Make your own fuzzy bee
- Grow wild flowers to attract bees
- Make a water dish for thirsty bees
- Find out what beekeepers do with honey
- Make a nectar cafe
- Dance like a bee!
- Bumble bees
- Shake it like a buzzing bee
- Make a bumble bee 'n' bee
- Make a fuzzy bumble bee
- Make a mining bee egg burrow
- Make a solitary bee home
- Bee-ing protective
- Bee careful!
- Make a seed bomb
- Why do bees need water?
- Make a water dish
- Saving bees and elephants
- Honey flapjacks