15 de juny 2016


The management of Apis cerana as a business venture is not a new practice; colonies have been kept in simple log hives and other basic nest structures for over 2,000 years. There are several regional standardized hive boxes used for Apis cerana. The size of the hive and the bee space (spacing of the wax comb frames) is adapted to the size of the Apis cerana subspecies in that region as well as to the size of the colony being housed. Additionally, Apis cerana beekeepers are beginning to adopt the Langstroth hive (the most popular honey bee hive in the United States), along with top-bar style hives. 

Within its native range, Apis cerana is in need of conservation efforts. Deforestation, loss of nest sites, pathogens, and increased pesticide use have contributed to a steady decline of the Apis cerana population. Furthermore, the replacement of Apis cerana management by Apis mellifera management in many areas affects the native flora in addition to the bee population. While the Apis mellifera colonies may be more profitable for honey production, they are not equivalent pollinators of native plants. Efforts to increase the management of Apis cerana colonies have had some success.

In contrast to its need for conservation within its native range, Apis cerana may be considered an invasive species in other parts of the world. For example, the progression of Apis cerana south past Papua New Guinea into Australia is being monitored extensively. The Australian government is concerned that Apis cerana could become an invasive species, with negative effects on the introduced Apis mellifera population. Australian bees are not infected with many of the pests that Apis cerana is known to host. Therefore, Australian beekeepers fear that the establishment of an Apis cerana population could lead to the introduction of Varroa, and Nosema ceranae.
