Benvolguts lectors d'Ecolluita us passo un article relacionat amb la V. velutina força interessant. En l'article es veu que hi ha mascles diploides produïts en època avançada (abans de final d'estiu), que podrien suposar un obstacle per al desenvolupament de la colònia i que podria frenar l'expansió de l'espècie.
Informa: Roger Coromina
The invasive yellow-legged hornet Vespa velutina nigrithorax was accidentally introduced in Europe in the early 2000s. As is the case in colonies of other wasp and hornet species, V. velutina
colonies are known to produce sexuals (males and new queens) at the end
of the summer. We show that early-stage colonies in French populations
frequently produce males well before the usual reproductive period. The
vast majority of the males produced are diploid, which is consistent
with the loss of genetic diversity previously reported in introduced
populations in France. Since males do not participate in colony
activities, the production of early diploid males at the expense of
workers is expected to hamper colony growth and, ultimately, decrease
the expansion of the species in its invasive range in Europe.
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