Australia's bees are predominantly solitary, each female building one or
more nests in which to rear her offspring without the aid of ‘workers’.
Many burrow in the ground though a few bore in dead, rotting wood or
pithy stems. Most others are ‘lodgers’, utilizing existing hollows such
as borer holes in dead wood, hollow stems and abandoned burrows of other
bees and wasps. Lodger bees will also utilize man-made cavities such as
nail and bolt holes, pipes and cut bamboo. A few species build
free-standing nests on stems or rocks. A variety of materials may be
used in nest construction including soil, plant fibre, leaf pieces, leaf
pulp, resin and secretions such as wax and silk. Typically, each brood
cell is an urn-shaped cavity providing a protective environment for the
development of a single individual; it is stocked with sufficient food
to enable development from egg to adult and is sealed once it receives
an egg.
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