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Més de 100 experts d'abelles es van reunir a Parma, Itàlia, aquesta setmana per debatre els darrers avenços científics en l'avaluació de riscos de múltiples factors d'estrès en les abelles. Aquest ha estat el col·loqui Científic 18è de l'EFSA i va ser convocat en resposta al creixent consens entre els científics sobre els orígens multifactorials de pèrdues de colònies d'abelles i la creixent evidència que els factors d'estrès en les abelles - com els paràsits, les malalties, la desnutrició i els efectes dels productes, com els plaguicides - poden actuar en combinació així com de manera independent.
Informa: Mercè Soler
Font: EFSA
Professor Tony Hardy, Chair of EFSA’s Scientific Committee, opened
the meeting by welcoming delegates from all over Europe and as far
afield as the United States and Canada – including representatives of
national environmental bodies; industrial and producer groups such as
beekeeper associations; civil organisations; and the European
Commission. Prof. Hardy emphasised that the object of the colloquium
was to have a frank and open discussion rather than reach a consensus
on what is a difficult and sometimes controversial issue.
Invited experts then introduced the four themes of the meeting – entitled “Towards a holistic approach to the risk assessment of multiple stressors in bees” – which
were later developed in smaller discussion groups. Koos Biesmeijer,
from the Naturalis Biodiversity Centre in the Netherlands, set the
scene for the discussion on “Protection of Bees and Pollination
Services: Tools and Challenges” by outlining the results of a study
comparing the decline of bee species in Europe over four 20-year
Pascal Hendrikx, from the French food safety agency ANSES, then
described the progress that has been made in setting up a standardised,
Europe-wide bee surveillance programme through the EU Reference
Laboratory for Honeybee Health. He told the audience that a standard
protocol has already been established in 17 Member States, with common
sampling methods, visit questionnaires and training of bee inspectors.
Fabio Sgolastra, from the University of Bologna, Italy, gave a taste
of the discussion to come on “Testing and Assessing Stressors in Bees:
From Laboratory to Field Conditions” by pinpointing difficult issues
such as how to address the chronic effects of sub-lethal doses of
pesticides under field conditions.
Jeff Pettis, from the US Department of Agriculture, summed up the
intricacies of the fourth theme, “Risk Assessment of Multiple Stressors
in Bees: From Mechanistic to Holistic Approaches” by suggesting that
the topic “is not rocket science. It’s more complex than that.” He
raised a number of issues that were taken up in the discussion group,
such as: the use of models as a tool in risk assessment; and the
validity of extrapolating individual results to the “superorganism”.
The four themes were discussed in detail at the afternoon sessions,
and the overall messages were then presented at a plenary session the
next morning.
EFSA’s scientific colloquia bring together international experts from
different sectors for an open scientific debate on key issues; they
are organised so as to provide ample opportunity for the exchange of
views. This latest meeting will provide valuable material for EFSA’s
internal task force on bees, which is currently identifying
cross-cutting issues, data and knowledge gaps, research needs and
recommendations based on the most recent developments in the area of
risk assessment and monitoring of bees. The task force is due to report
in September 2013.
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