La ignorància d'algunes persones ha fet que l'abella en molts casos fos mal vista i fins i tot odiada, pel "perill" que representa a les piscines o barbacoes. Quan les persones s'informen i llegeixen una mica, s'adonen ràpidament que l'abella és un insecte esencial en els ecosistemes, més enllà de la mel i els seus productes. Cal tenir ben clar que el 70% dels cultius són pol·linitzats per les abelles i que són claus en el manteniment del dèbil equilibri del nostre medi ambient.
Per altra banda, i ara que la població mundial no para de crèixer, necessitem més aliment que mai i que les collites siguin profitoses a fi de garantir l'abastament de totes les regions del món. És per això que la desaparició de les abelles i el seu colapse preocupa, i molt, a la lluita contra la fam mundial. Davant del futur incert de les abelles, uns investigadors de la Universitat de Manitoba a Winnipeg han iniciat el desenvolupament d'una super-abella, una espècie immune a les agressions que pateix aquest valuós insecte. Unes abelles fortes i sanes, són la millor garantia per una pau mundial.
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Winnipeg, Canada – For most people the bee is a thing to be feared, even hated. After all, it stings and even kills some people. They ruin barbeques and picnics and cause general chaos when they come around. Though hardly as problematic as say a
bear or a lion, the bee nonetheless has the power to stop people dead in their tracks and send them fleeing for safety. The bee is not exactly a cute little puppy.
However, bees are essential to the ecosystem in
which we live. We all know that bees create honey, but their
effectiveness as pollinators provide us with food, upwards of 70
percent of crops, and thus have become an essential component in the
delicate environmental balance on which we still rely. Bees, though,
are dying. While that may give some pleasure to lovers of the outdoors,
their demise may very well result in our own collapse. As the human
population of the world continues to grow, the very last thing we need
is less food, exactly what will happen if the bees die off. To combat
that problem researchers at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg have
begun the development of a super bee, a species immune the ails that
have killed off huge numbers of bees around the world in the hopes of
preventing massive food shortages, and possibly preventing crime and
saving cats from trees.
“There are a number of culprits contributing to
the death of bee colonies including mites, viruses, pesticides, climate
change and possibly cell phone use. That has 
caused a quick and massive die-off across the world, 30 per cent in Europe and North America and 85 per cent in the Middle East. This work is designed to eliminate the threat to the bees and help restore populations,” said one researcher working on the project. “Essentially we will be giving them immunity to these influences which will allow the populations to restore themselves and, ultimately, continue to pollinate our food supplies. Any side benefits will of course be welcomed.”
caused a quick and massive die-off across the world, 30 per cent in Europe and North America and 85 per cent in the Middle East. This work is designed to eliminate the threat to the bees and help restore populations,” said one researcher working on the project. “Essentially we will be giving them immunity to these influences which will allow the populations to restore themselves and, ultimately, continue to pollinate our food supplies. Any side benefits will of course be welcomed.”
It’s believed that the super bees, once unleashed, will spread quickly across the world and breed rapidly.
“In literal terms, food supplies mean peace. It’s
nothing for people in wealthy countries to go to the supermarket and
buy anything you need but that is not case in many countries. In North
America the only thing you really have to complain about is not enough
cashiers on duty, but it is a little different for other people,” said
Scrape TV Science analyst Dr. Howard Poe. “In poorer countries food
shortages mean riots, hoarding, and out-and-out wars. Anything that
contributes to their food supplies will bring about peace and stability
and that is a good thing. It is very unlikely that we will see bees
flying around with tiny little capes stopping criminals on the street,
but that doesn’t mean they can’t bring about peace in their own way.”
At least two companies in China have begin mass
producing such tiny capes and tights though researchers aren’t sure how
they will get the bees to wear them.
“There is a danger here though, it’s not all
upside. As we have seen in comics and movies power can have negative
effects as well and with millions, even billions, of super bees flying
around the world with no checks and balances it is very possible that
we will create an unstoppable monster that could bring chaos even worse
than food shortages,” continued Poe. “That is unlikely, admittedly,
but it is something we need to be aware of. Messing with nature can
have very unexpected side effects, I mean that’s what got us here in
the first place, and we don’t want to make that mistake again. It could
be our last mistake.”
Researchers believe they have installed effective
safeguards in the super bees, a kind of remote kill switch, though bee
experts are doubtful.
Si,si: No n'hi ha hagut prou amb les abelles africanitzades, que ara busquen una super abella, al darrera de l'ansia de fer calers (l'essència es aquesta, no ens enganyem) ens volen vendre un engendre amb drets d'autor que no sap ningú quin efecte tindrà sobre el medi ambient ni sobre les altres especies d'abella. Perquè no es dediquen a esbrinar d'on venen els problemes que tenen les abelles? I mirar de posar-hi solucions. Ja de passada podrien evitar que aquests problemes ens afectessin a nosaltres. O es que no veiem que el que esta passant no sols pot afectar a les abelles?. Això fa pudor de Monsanto o similar, una abella modificada geneticament, unes patents, i desprès com que les abelles s'hibriden pues plets per violació de patent L'apicultor estarà obligat a comprar les abelles a la companyia que hagi creat la "superabella" o si vol continuar amb la raça autòctona de tota la vida, ja sap el que l'hi espera, tenir que confinar les seves abelles, perquè les altres tindran millors advocats. Això esta passant amb diversos cultius transgènics, e híbrids diversos, que mes que millorar la producció, el que fan es empobrir la biodiversitat. I de rebot perjudicar a tercers com es el cas de les mels espanyoles amb polen transgènic, i la CE. Joaquim Soler
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