16 d’octubre 2012


Els darrers estudis amplien les qualitats terapèutiques de la mel, com ja vam poder veure a l'article del 5 de setembre. Els científics han descobert que les bactèries més resistents tenen proteïnes en la seva paret que li possibiliten adherir-se de forma molt íntima amb els teixits humans, unió que dificulta l'acció bactericida dels antibiòtics. 

És aquí on la mel desenvolupa totes les seves propietats, actuant sobre aquestes proteïnes i dificultant la creació de biopel·lícules protectores per als bacteris. Tot plegat reforça la creença popular i encestral de les virtuts desinfectants de la mel de les abelles.


More Evidence That Honey Can Treat Antibiotic Resistant Infections

One of the more fascinating ways that medical researchers are looking in to fighting antibiotic resistant bacteria is through the use of Manuka honey. Last year, some research was published evidencing some effectiveness against MRSA. Now a team from the Cardiff School of Health Sciences has demonstrated the effectiveness of this honey against Streptococcus pyogenes, an antibiotic resistant bacteria that often infects wounds and can prevent skin grafts from forming.

One of the reasons why S. pyogenes infections are difficult to treat is because the bacteria produces proteins, called biofilms, that “latch on” to human proteins, which not only anchors the infection to the person, but the biofilms themselves are hard to penetrate with antibiotics. That’s where the honey comes in.

“Molecules on the surface of the bacteria latch onto human fibronectin, anchoring the bacteria to the cell. This allows infection to proceed and biofilms to develop,” explained study leader Dr. Sarah Maddocks in a press release. “We found that honey reduced the expression of these bacterial surface proteins, inhibiting binding to human fibronectin, therefore making biofilm formation less likely. This is a feasible mechanism by which manuka honey minimizes the initiation of acute wound infections and also the establishment of chronic infections.”
Given the increasing numbers of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, any progress in ensuring that infections by those bacteria are treatable is good news. That those infections can be treated with something as simple to produce as honey is even better news.
That fits in well with some advice from the author of the Book of Proverbs: “My son, eat thou honey, because it is good; and the honeycomb, which is sweet to thy taste.”
